Before launching in January 2024, MCC is seeking to raise $500,000 (a 3-year budget). So far, by God's grace, they've raised close to $450,000. 

Thanks to two generous families and $10,000 from Liberti's Church Planting funds, we've secured $25,000 in matching funds. Between now and the end of May, would you prayerfully consider giving toward this matching gift and completing MCC's fundraising goal? 

You can find pledge cards at church. Or if you'd like to skip the pledge process, you can give via check (designate "MCC" in the memo line) or through the Church Center App or online (select Midtown Community Church from the dropdown). 

About Greg’s Residency

In July 2022, Greg Kabakjian joined our church staff as a full-time church planting resident.

Greg’s residency will be to prepare him to be part of a new Acts 29 church plant in Midtown Harrisburg. We’re partnering with Community Evangelical Free Church, a great church on the East Shore, to start this new work: Midtown Community Church

Community Free is going to be sending out their associate pastor as the lead planter of Midtown Community Church. God willing, Greg will be the other member of that pastoral team. 

As Greg says: “More than anything in the world, I want to burn my life out for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I truly believe it is the best news, and the only hope for, the world we live in. It is my prayer that God would use the church plant (Midtown Community Church) to bring the good news of King Jesus to the weak, wounded, and wayward people living in Midtown, Harrisburg.”



How You Can Help:

For Greg and his family to be able to train for church planting through this residency, he needs to build a strong team of financial partners and prayer warriors to come alongside them.


Liberti Church is providing a stipend for Greg, but he will be seeking to raise monthly support of $3,750. Practically speaking that could look like:

  • 1 partner at $500/month

  • 6 partners at $250/month

  • 10 partners at $100 a month

  • 15 partners at $50/month

  • (one-time special gifts also help!)

We hope you will consider joining the team! Click the “give” link to the right to set up a monthly donation or special one-time gift.


The second, and most important thing we need is prayer. Without God’s working, all of Greg’s training and this future church plant will fall flat and be ineffective.

Prayer changes things.

So please, pray for the Kabakjian family. If you don’t know what to pray, here are 10 specific things they would appreciate prayer for:

  1. Pray that we would have a close walk with Jesus.  

  2. Pray that God would grant us extra wisdom and discernment. 

  3. Pray for Liberti Church. Ask that God would bless their pastor (Matt), their elders, and all the saints at Liberti incredibly.  

  4. Pray that God would strengthen our marriage. 

  5. Pray that God would show us the sin in our lives. 

  6. Pray that we would find close friends in our community. 

  7. Pray that God would bless the church plant (Midtown Community Church) and the lead planter (Ben Bechtel). 

  8. Pray for the Spirit to work and soften the hearts of the unbelievers with whom we speak.

  9. Pray for opportunities to build relationships with people in our community. 

  10. Pray that we would be encouraged in the work of ministry.